Harness Breeders NSW have a number of Foalguard Foal Alarms available to hire to Members during the breeding season. We have a limited number available, so you will need to book your Alarm as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.

The costs to hire a Foal Alarm this season are:
HIRE CHARGES: $20.00 per week
(we will send you an invoice - payable after hire ends)
POSTAGE: $40.00 (includes paid return Satchel)
*Minimum cost is one (1) week hire + postage (total $60.00)
The alarms are simple to use. As soon as you receive the Alarm, be sure to test in your paddock/yard that you will be using, to ensure the Transmitter and Receiver are working correctly.
Full instructions are provided, if you need further assistance, please email us at hbrnsw@gmail.com or call Kirsty on 0427 542 758.